Monday, April 23, 2012

Similarities, Differences, and Judgments.

Please, feel free to write.


  1. First to comment! How exciting!
    It is a pleasure to speak with you Mr. Billings. You are very handsome if i do say! But you are American which makes you slightly less attractive in my mind. I have never heard of you before. You are probably not that big of a success since you didn't really make it out of America. But that's alright, darling. You wrote patriotic music, that wouldn't travel to England.
    We do not share many similarities Mr. Billings. I really can not find anything besides the fact that we both married.
    We do have many differences! For instance I am not on Snuff! How vulgar. That is so American of you. We also are not in the same profession. You are a choral song writer and I am an actress and a writer.

    I am very interested in getting to understand you better though. Write back soon!

  2. Bonjour Mr. Billings. I am afraid that I have never heard of you ,fine sir, before. Maybe because you are American. I am from France.

    Je m'appelle Étienne-Nicholas Méhul. I am a French Composer. I read about you and we do have some similarities. Like you M. Billings, I had grown up poor, but I didn't let that stop moi! I had found a great teacher to teach me that ways of glorious music, he was blind too! After that my career had soared. I find it interesting that we both can create emotion using music. How beloved and sacred in that of something so international. The whole world can understand music. I find that amazing.

    I am a opera and instrumental composer, and like you I use words to express feeling, but I follow that up with instruments. That is the difference between us. I use instruments instead of just vocalization.

    I hope to hear your thoughts on music.
    and it was a pleasure learning about you

  3. Hello Mr.Billings. So you compose choral music. That is very interesting. They call you the father of American Choral music. How creative. Well that is just wonderful. Musical Revues are a little different. Well.. have nice day

  4. Hello Mr. Williams Billings My name is Pierre. I see that you are a musician... I mean thats nice if you like countless hours and staring at black scribbles. I am a playwright we are a lot different. You were born in the filthy US while I reside from France.

    But we both are greatly involved in the arts. You had a extremely helpful mentor and so did I. Did you know I started of because he took me in to write newspapers.

    In essence I would like you meet you sometime, perhaps over lunch. Good day to you.

  5. Buon giorno, come stai? Mr. Billings. It was my pleasure meeting you and reading about you. I believe our biggest similarity is music. Dance wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the music. So as I told other musicians in our era we share that passion, you by making the music and me by making the moves to go with it. Moving to another side we both are happily married and we both have children. I have an amazing daughter and an also loved son. I heard you have five daughters and one son. Oh lord! I cannot imagine what it would be to train five Maries. Crazy! But anyways you are very blessed even when they didn’t follow your steps as mine did. I think a similarity we also share is the fact that both of us aren’t just parents of our kids but also parents in terms of our arts. You are known as "the father of American choral music” and I am many times called “the father of the Romantic ballet”. That shows that both of us had a pretty big influence in our art fields.

    There are of course differences as well. It sounds like when you where growing you didn’t have as much support from your family as I did. The obvious things like you are a composer while I am a dancer. Also you are from America and I am from Italy. In other cases I would say that is not such a big difference but in this case since you are from America that might mean a bigger difference, because is another continent, a total different culture, and also the things that were happening in Europe in our time period weren’t necessarily the same. So I am going to mark that as a difference.

    I really admire how you handled your poverty and your lack of education and even though it might have been a hardship it didn’t stop you. I love music and I think I would love to hear your work.

    -Filippo Taglioni

  6. Dear mr Billings,

    Hello. I am Anne Lange. I think it is really that you are an American composer. I have never heard of you before but I am glad i got to read about you
    One thing that differs between the two of us is quite obvious. You are American and I am From Italy and a French actress. Also, you are a composer and I am an actress. Also, you had no one there for you. I at least had my parents.
    We really dont have anything in common but, we both did not have a mentor. Also, we were around in similar time periods.
    I loved learning about you and cant wait to learn more.


  7. Hello Im Carlotta Grisi and ive noticed we have little similarities than differences. Lets start with things in common shall we? Well we both started mastering our art at a young age, 14 i believe it was. Btw im very sorry about your fathers passing. You wife and children which i bet are beautiful and just like me, I have a husband and 2 beautiful daughters. We both care about our families and raised them in a good lifestyle i suppose. One more thing is we accomplished alot in our careers.

    Now to the differences, we are from two far away places you from America and me from Italy. Ive never been to American and if you havent been to Italy its beautiful! You and your family should visit. Anyways back on topic *laughs* I see you didnt have a mentor because you werent that wealthy like I was. I had a very well known mentor who helped me so much and also contributed an important part of one of my daughters life. I also believe you were a bit more successful then me seeing as i had competition.

    You seem like a fine person sir and i wish you and your family the best!

  8. Mr.Billings,

    Hello! I have read your blog and I haven't many any similarities but I have some differences. First, we both started in our careers as teenagers. We also both have limited educations.

    For differences you live in America and I live in England. You compose music and I act. I hope to talk to you soon.

  9. Dear Mr. Billings,

    What a pleasure it has been reading about you! I look forward to continuing to get to know you better as time passes. But it may surprise you that the two of us have some things in common. One thing we have in common is that we are family people, we are both married and have beautiful children that we love dearly. Another thing we have in common is that we range in our creative talent. For example, you range from profound grief to buoyant humor. And I myself range from parts like Lady Macbeth to my many comedic roles.

    However you and I do differ slightly. For example, unlike your children, my son and my daughter followed in my footsteps: my son becoming involved in different forms of theatre, and my daughter becoming an actress. Another thing that the two of us differ on is that our arts are different. My artistic form is expressed through meaningful words used to draw out the emotions in the audience. And while your artistic field has the same desired affect on the audience, it is achieved through melodies and voices that grasp the listeners heart.

    I admire your work greatly and I truly wish I had gotten the opportunity to hear your work firsthand for I am sure it was marvelous. I'm sure your hymns were quite the spectacle and Yankee Doodle was quite the spirit lifter, so good for you. It has been a pleasure speaking with you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

