Thursday, April 5, 2012


   This video is of my piece called O Praise the Lord of Heaven. It was preformed by another composer in this video. [file://localhost/Users/victor/Desktop/William%20Billings%20%20O%20Praise%20the%20Lord%20of%20Heaven.webloc, and Vostorgina01. O Praise the Lord of Heaven. N.d. Video. Youtube]

   This video is of my piece Shepherd's Carol. It is known as Christmas Carol. This was also preformed by another composer. [file://localhost/Users/victor/Desktop/Christmas%20choral%20music%20-%20Billings%20%22Shepherd's%20Carol%22%20-%20YouTube.webloc, and ElmhurstChoralUnion. Shepherd's Carol. N.d. Video. Youtube]

   This is a poster to one of my shows. This poster was to one of my performance's in New England during the nineteenth century. [, and American Chorister. 2011. Photograph. The Catholic University of America]

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